AUTOTRANSPORTES ESTRELLA ROJA DEL SUR, S.A. DE C.V.,domiciled with the headquarters address in Saturno Num 39. Colonia Nva. Industrial Valejo, Town hall Gustavo A. Madero, Postal code 07700, in Mexico City, is responsible of the treatment of your personal data, in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals.

The personal data that we collect from you are for the purposes of locating data in the system, statistical and security control, as well as monitoring the contractual relationship that we are subject to with you, the Owner.

For more information about the treatment, use, transfer and remission of your Personal Data, as well as the ARCO (Access, Registry, Correction, Omission) rights that you can assert, we make our Comprehensive Privacy Notice available to you, ats